Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
General information regarding the Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) covers mediation, conciliation and arbitration. RAL entities are the entities authorized to carry out mediation, conciliation and arbitration of consumer disputes in Portugal that must be included in the list of RAL entities provided for by Law 114/2015.
Published on September 8 p.p., Law 114/2015 approved the new legal framework for alternative (extrajudicial) resolution mechanisms for consumer disputes, creating in Portugal the Arbitration Network and establishing a duty of information, for my suppliers of goods or service providers of the existence of the Centris Alternative Dispute Resolution existing and applicable to the sector where the companies fall.
The consumer should always first contact the good supplier or the service presenter to try to solve the problem.
In case of dispute the consumer may use an Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution Entity:

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) covers mediation, conciliation and arbitration. RAL entities are the entities authorized to carry out mediation, conciliation and arbitration of consumer disputes in Portugal that must be included in the list of RAL entities provided for by Law 114/2015.
Published on September 8 p.p., Law 114/2015 approved the new legal framework for alternative (extrajudicial) resolution mechanisms for consumer disputes, creating in Portugal the Arbitration Network and establishing a duty of information, for my suppliers of goods or service providers of the existence of the Centris Alternative Dispute Resolution existing and applicable to the sector where the companies fall.
The consumer should always first contact the good supplier or the service presenter to try to solve the problem.
In case of dispute the consumer may use an Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution Entity: